I was previously one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors. I am a highly qualified early years practitioner and leader. I previously worked in leadership roles in London local authority nurseries and children’s centres. I held a senior role in a local authority Registration and Inspection Unit, and helped to develop the Home Childcare Scheme for the Department for Education. I have extensive experience of inspection, investigation and survey work across nursery, infant and primary schools, children’s centres, and early years. I contributed greatly to the training of inspectors while at Ofsted. I hold a B.Sc. (hons) degree in Social Sciences with Social Policy, and a Post Graduate Certificate (PGC) in children and young people’s worlds. I am qualified at level 7 in investigative practice.
I have particular expertise in teaching, learning and assessment, improving outcomes for children, self-evaluation and leadership and management.
As HMI, I regularly led inspections of schools, children’s centres and a range of early years settings. I quality assured inspections and the work of early years inspectors. I played a significant role in carrying out safeguarding audits of inspections and promoting the welfare and learning outcomes of children in care. I contributed to inspection and regulation based advice to Her Majesty's Chief Inspector (HMCI) and to government; writing and making contribution to reports, including HMCI’s Annual report and other publications.
I have a long history of raising standards and supporting improvement in the early years in maintained, private, voluntary and independent sectors. I have a highly developed knowledge and understanding of the application of early years inspection and regulation based on an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of relevant good practice.
As an Early Years Specialist, I inspire confidence and deliver high quality results. I have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the early years foundation stage and related regulations and how these are applied. I work with leaders to support improvements and to help settings 'Get to Good and Beyond', through a range of training, advice, support and practice analysis and evaluation. I work closely with providers and leaders; and provide mentoring and coaching to support excellence in leadership. With specialist knowledge of the welfare and learning and development requirements, I quickly identify and provide detailed evaluations of settings, their key strengths and areas for improvement.
With almost 40 years experience in the early years field, I am passionate about improving the life chances of children. I am committed to ensuring that the quality of early years provision and outcomes for children continue to improve at the end of the foundation stage.
I have a clear enhanced DBS disclosure.
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