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came into force 19 January 2024 - This handbook describes the main activities carried out during graded, ungraded and urgent inspections of maintained schools and academies in England under sections 5 and 8 of the Education Act 2005, respectively. It sets out the grade descriptors that inspectors use to make their judgements and on which they report. It applies to school inspections under the education inspection framework (EIF)
came into effect 19 January 2024. This handbook describes the main activities that inspectors undertake when they carry out inspections of early years providers in England registered under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006. The handbook includes specific information about applying the EIF to inspections of childminders. The handbook also sets out the judgements that inspectors will make and on which they will
This guidance sets out the main points that inspectors need to consider when inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings. It needs to be read alongside the education inspection framework (EIF) and the individual remit inspection handbooks.
Ofsted's policy on how they regulate childcare providers and explains what Ofsted may do if a provider is not following the regulations
This guidance covers:
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