Most Instrumental Early Years Consulting Business Leader 2023 (West Midlands):
Deborah Udakis
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May 2021
The Department for Education is to change the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in 2021.
The government says the changes will improve outcomes for all children, but particularly the language and literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children and reduce teacher workload.
Read article from the early Years Alliance
February 2021
Due to popular demand we are now offering a number of our workshops online via Zoom video conferencing including:
February 2021
Birth to 5 Matters draws on previous guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), updated in order to reflect recent research, to meet the needs of practitioners, to respond to current issues in society, and to meet the needs of children today and to lay a strong foundation for their futures.
Although in it's draft format it make interesting reading.
May 2021
Government policies wilfully impoverish the most vulnerable
Families' slide into poverty during the pandemic is exacerbated by Government policies, says Deborah Udakis
Were you, like me, fuming at the sight of photographs of the measly food parcels provided by private food companies that were posted all over social media? I thought this Government’s disdain and disregard for poor families could not be any worse. Clearly I was wrong.
We are running a number of workshops throughout 2021 / 2022 at various locations across the West Midlands and further a field.
All these workshops can be adapted to suit your needs and delivered in your setting. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
I am delighted to have been invited to speak at the 'Early Years and Improvement conferences' on the implementation of the Education Inspection Framework in early years settings.
My keynote will include:
Key changes explained
New judgement areas and criteria: what will the inspectors want to see and achieving outstanding
Implementation steps and understanding your new sector handbook
Various locations in the UK
I am delighted to announce that i will be one of the keynote speakers at the Shropshire Council 2018 Early Years Conference, This will be followed by a workshop.
Friday 27 April 2018
9:15 - 16:45
Develop and improve strong leadership
Make better use of performance management activities to drive up the quality of provision
Improve self-evaluation leading to improvement
Understand how inspectors evaluate the quality of leadership and management.
In partnership with Telford Borough Council
At Meeting Point House, Southwater Place, Telford
Thursday 9th November 2017
18:30 - 21:30
In partnership with Telford Borough Council
At Meeting Point House, Southwater Place, Telford
Saturday 14th October 2017
9:30 - 13:00
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