There’s always room for improvement, quality assurance from an early years specialist
Bespoke consultancy and support from an early years specialist
Understand how inspectors evaluate the quality of leadership and management.
Improve leadership and performance management through early years training
'I do not do ‘mocksteds’. You can never recreate an inspection, as so much depends on what happens on the day. However, I do carry out Quality Assurance visits and Early Years Audits.
I use Ofsted’s Early Years Inspection Handbook, the grade descriptors, and the early years foundation stage to make secure judgements based on evidence. During my visits, I identify the setting’s key strengths and areas for improvement. I provide advice and support to help make the necessary improvements. It is not helpful to expect, or want, nurseries to do anything in addition to prepare for inspections. However, I believe that’s leaders and practitioners can and should prepare for inspection by focusing on providing consistently good quality learning, play and care. I can help you to accurately evaluate the setting's strengths and weaknesses; and to develop action plans to address any shortfalls in practice.
Contact me for further details on how I can help
Tel: 07983 231584
If you respond ‘No’ to any of the above, I can help you.
I am a former HMI (Early Years specialist) with over 20 years of inspection experience. I can conduct an Early Years Audit of your setting and help you prioritise your workload.
I will help you make sure you are meeting the EYFS requirements. Failure to meet the requirements set out in the statutory framework could massively affect your Ofsted grade.
With over 20 years experience as an Inspector, 8 of these as Her Majesty’s Inspector, I quickly and skilfully identify a settings strengths and areas for improvement.
I provide bespoke early years consultancy and support to you and your team to drive up the quality of teaching, learning and care; and to improve outcomes for children. I work with you to achieve your aims and ambitions; delivering success!
Deborah Udakis Consultancy Ltd has teamed up with Vaikai Web Design to offer a bespoke service especially for the early years market. Whether you are a childminder, a single setting nursery or manage a multi-centre nursery, we have a package to enable you to have an online presence.
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