Learned lots of valuable information
Has made me feel more confident
Training was very well organised and had structure
Really informative and educational
Excellent in all aspects
I heard from a colleague that the workshop was great and it didn’t disappoint
Loved the training. Deborah was very friendly and gave lots of opportunities to share our opinions and ask any questions
Great accompanying notebook with extra information
The team found the training extremely useful and you gave them lots of inspiring new
A really informative course that reflected on activities that give children the opportunity to be curious about the world around them
I found the training to be so useful and full of ideas that I can’t wait to put in place
Although the training was through Zoom it was still delivered brilliantly.
I can’t wait to train with Deborah again in the future
The work shop was just what the doctor orderd after a difficult year of such uncertainity it helped to focus the mind back onto quality learning for children
How confident are you that you are providing an exciting and challenging curriculum?
Do the children come running into the setting excited and eager to engage in the wonderful learning and play possibilities available?
Does your curriculum inspire Awe and Wonder?
If not, then this workshop is for you.
The Quality of Education judgement is at the heart of the Education Inspection Framework. It is the curriculum that is the key inspection focus.
You will need to show how you are effectively following children’s interests and skilfully supporting and enhancing children’s learning through a high quality curriculum, effective teaching and enabling environments.
Confidence comes naturally with success; but, success comes only to those who are confident.
This workshop is designed to help leaders and practitioners to be ever ready for inspection. You can do a great deal to plan for a successful inspection; the first thing is – don’t panic..
The aims of the workshop is to help you become a more confident leader and to host a successful inspection. Through greater knowledge of the inspection process, inspection handbook and conduct expected of inspectors, leaders are better able to prepare for the inspection, and deal with concerns should they arise.
You can join these online workshops as an individual or they can be delivered to an entire team as part of their continued professional development. Each workshop comes complete with a certificate of attendance.
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